Sunday, February 23, 2014

Do you know someone with Alzheimers?

EVERYONE knows someone with dementia of some kind. Alzheimers, one type of dementia is very common in the world's ageing population. There is also a form of Alzheimers dementia which affects a younger population, as early as the late 40's. Billions of dollars are spent every year by so many looking for a cure and more importantly on healthcare, homecare and eldercare for those affected by this debilitating illness. We hear daily of people who have wandered away from their homes because some fading memory told them to walk away, leaving their loved ones panicked until and if they are found.

   Innovators in The Netherlands have taken an awesome approach to providing long term living solutions for those with dementia. "De Hogeweyk" aka Dementia Village, located in a small town in Holland offers families and patrons piece of mind in the form of a self contained village behind well guarded walls and gates. In this village one can find anything anyone would want; a grocery store, movie theater, restaurants, cafes, gardens, pedestrian walks etc. The aim of this village being to re-create a normal (but safe) environment for these patrons to help them to maintain a normal life with a routine. They also live in apartments with 6-8 people, including caretakers who dress like normal people, they are their friends and caregivers. One can even decorate the patron's space in a specific style more akin to their personality.

   I love that the world is seeking and finding more adaptive and innovative ways to approach Alzheimers care. People with this illness can still be normal, in their own way. Isn't that what life is all about, after all? Being normal, in our own way, in a world that is changing way too fast? A cure will come but until then, we adapt.

Any Investors out there??? I NEED to open one of these!

See an article on Hogeweyk here

More Alzheimers adaptations here

Need Alzheimers Information or Support? Click Here

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