Monday, January 23, 2012

Alternative Therapies #003: Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain which regulates the sleep-wake cycle and other hormones. 
Traditionally it has been used by travelers, shift workers or geriatrics (lower melatonin levels) to regulate their sleep cycles. BUT the sleep benefits continue for a few other conditions: 
1. Menopause: May help with regulating sleep cycle in menopausal women however with no added benefit of controlling hot flashes and other associated symptoms.
2. Breast & Prostate Cancer: Melatonin may have a synergistic effect when used with some chemotherapy drugs. It has also been noted in a few studies that those with breast or prostate cancers have lower melatonin levels than those without. 
3. ADHD: May help regulate sleep cycle, no benefit to behavoral problems. 
4. Sunburns: Topical melatonin may be helpful in preventing sunburns. 
5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: May reduce symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating etc.
6. Epilepsy: In initial studies may reduce frequency of seizures. 

Whew. Not bad eh?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cranky? Cant focus? Have a drink of water! A recent small study suggests that even very mild dehydration may affect our mood and even our ability to concentrate. 25 "Average" women were "dehydrated" with diuretics and moderate exercise. Mood, concentration and mental acuity testing was done before and after the dehydration took place. Overall, mental ability wasnt affected but increased perception of task difficulty and lower concentration was noted. Small study with room for more investigation. When in doubt, take a drink (of water that is!)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Recall: Motrin

12 million Bottles of Motrin have been recalled because of a potential failure to dissolve as quickly as expected when nearing their expiration date. Oh Dear.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Models, whats "real"?

A Bold photo shoot by a "Plus Size" Model at a plump size 12 poses nude with a "Normal" size model. Are Models role models? If so, for what? What size should a "normal" model be? 

Dying to be Beautiful

In Honor of a fascinating conference being hosted by the University of the West Indies this weekend entitled: "Dying to be Beautiful" focusing on: Body Image, Eating Disorders & Health in the Caribbean. I will be dedicating this weekends posts to Body Image related topics. This issue continues to be a pressing issue, especially in our adolescent community. Never to be underestimated. Please enjoy.

Alternative Therapies #002: The Drunken Raisin

Golden Raisins soaked in Gin have an overwhelming reputation as a remedy for arthritis related pain. Not just a random amount either.....9 raisins daily. What's the science? Theories:  Gin contains Juniper Berries which Terpenin, a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Golden raisins contain sulfites added to stop them from becoming dark in the drying process. Grapes/Raisins are also thought to have some anti-inflammatory effect naturally as well. Placebo? Maybe. There have been no major trials to compare results to but maybe there should be!! (Send me an email if you fancy a study on this)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Competition Alert:

Got Mad App-Making Skills? Try your hand at the 2012 Mobile Clinicians Voice Challenge. This contest aims to "mobilize" apps for use on the go. You could be a millionaire ;)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Medicine in the News: Genetically modified mosquitos?

In the era of being able to genetically modify everything.....are we completely aware of the long term effects on the fine balance of our ecosystem?? Genetically Modified mosquitos are programmed to die before reaching adulthood. The plan is that they will mate with other mosquitos and spread their early death capabilities. The intention being a safer way of mosquito control than spraying. Also, potentially eradicating diseases spread by adult mosquitos such as Malaria, Dengue Fever etc. I see the positives, now what are the negatives??? See what the NY Times has to say on the subject!