11 Little Known Breast Cancer Facts (original article by Huffington Post)
1) Breast Cancer can be any of several different "types" of Cancer. Each Cancer has a different and varied mode of treatment to improve outcomes. These treatments may include chemotherapy, radiation, medications, surgeries: from lump excisions to radical breast, muscle and lymph node excisions.
2. A lump doesn't always mean cancer: Not all lumps are created equal. One can discover they have a lump and it be incidental or benign (not cancerous). Get all abnormal lumps checked. If you are not familiar with your breasts, lots of things can feel like lumps. Breasts can feel differently at different times of the month. Get aquainted with your tatas.
3. Breast Cancer does not always present as a lump: However, changes in skin of the breasts, nipple changes or discharge, breast pain, nipple retraction, lumps under the arms can all be signs of cancer as well as lumps. Get them checked ASAP.
4. Men get Breast Cancer too: 200 men in the US yearly are diagnosed with breast cancer. Stay aware.
5. Breast Cancer risk isn't always determined by family history. Many people are aware that types of breast cancer can have genetic links. However, many people with breast cancer have no familial history of breast cancer.
6. Having the BRCA1/BRCA2 gene doesnt always mean cancer is in your future. Having this gene does significantly raise your risk above the general population but does not GUARANTEE you will get breast/ovarian cancer. Risk raises to 50-65% rather than 12% in the general populace.
7. Not all women have the same risk to develop Breast Cancer: Risk is based on several factors, some modifiable and some you have no ability to modify. Unchangeable: Family history, Age, Ethnic Background.
8. You can impact some risk factors: You cant prevent breast cancer but you can play some role in lowering some elements of your personal risk: Maintaining a healthy weight, Exercising, lowering Alcohol consumption to less than 2 alcoholic beverages daily and trying to avoid hormone supplementation post menopause.
9. Mammograms aren't foolproof but they sure are helpful: Mammograms are 83% effective in women over 50 and 79% effective in women younger than that. As with any tests, false positives and false negatives exist but are not common. Positives are always followed up with additional testing such as a more invasive mammogram, ultrasound +/- Biopsy.
10. Fertility Treatments don't raise your Breast Cancer Risk: Post-Menopause Hormone Replacement can be associated with breast cancer development. This is not the same as Fertility treatments which are generally not associated with elevated breast cancer risk.
11. Most women survive breast cancer: Breast Cancer 5 year survival rates are generally higher than 80% in the USA. This is due to early diagnosis and treatment. Cancer is scary but not a death sentence! It is treatable with early diagnosis and current technologies.
Below please see some links to interesting sites and articles relevant to this topic
National Breast Cancer Foundation
All you need to start Fundraisers to donate Mammograms to those who cant afford them
Create an Early Detection Plan for yourself and your loved ones
11 Little Known Breast Cancer Facts (Huffington Post)
Beyond The Shock: A Breast Cancer Educational Resource
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