Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Is Bacon making you less Virile?

A recent Harvard study asks you to consider their findings that men who consume processed meat daily may be at risk of significantly lowering their sperm quality. The study compared the eating habits of 156 men undergoing IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) treatment for infertility issues with their partners. The researchers found that men who ate half a portion (portion size not declared) a day of processed meat had 5.5 percent "normal" shaped sperms compared to 7.2 percent in men who ate less processed meat. Conversely, men who ate more white fish had significantly higher quality normal, active sperm. 156 men is a fairly small study so we will wait for the bigger study that will very likely come. 

Interesting food for thought.....I read somewhere that maybe all we need to do is be wrapping our whitefish in bacon and we'll all be happy. Take what you will from this information and just go forth, be healthy, be happy and make some babies. 

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