Monday, March 26, 2012

Alternative Therapies #005: Tamarind

1. FIBER! Tamarind is full of fiber. Who knew? 100grams of tamarind fruit pulp contains about 6 grams of your daily required fiber. Recommended daily allowance (RDA) of fiber vary between 20-35 grams for men and women at various stages of life. What does that mean? 100grams of tamarind can provide 17-30% of your necessary fiber! Keeps those bowels moving and helps get rid of that bad cholesterol! 

2. STRONG BONES! Tamarind contains 429mg of calcium per 100grams. RDA of calcium varies between 700-1300 mg for men & women at different stages of life from age 1-100+ . This means little ol' tamarind could offer you 30-60% of your necessary calcium daily. Impressive? Absolutely. 

3. ANTIOXIDANTS! Tartaric acid is naturally occurring acid present in several fruits and plants. Tamarind is one of those fruits. The acid is responsible for the sour taste of the tamarind. Tartaric acid is a powerful antioxidant. Prevent those nasty free radicals!

4. VITAMINS! Tamarind contains 15% of your RDA of Potassium (628mg) , 36% of your RDA of Thiamine (0.4mg) and 12% RDA of Niacin amongst many others. 

5. In traditional medicine, Tamarind has been used  for many things but most notably as a laxative agent and  to lower body temperature. 

Bring on the tamarind. I'll start the petition for it to be made a superfood. 

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