The "Back to Sleep" initiative was launched in 1994 to educate parents, caregivers & healthcare providers of simple interventions to help reduce the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Those interventions consist of:
1. Infants being placed on their backs to sleep rather than any other position.
2. Eradicating "extras" in the crib such as blankets, pillows, bumpers as choke risks.
3. "Sleep Clothing" with long sleeves, covered legs if needed to reduce the need for blankets
4. Not allowing smoking near to infants
5. Supporting pacifier use to encourage active breathing during sleep.
Risk factors identified:
Male Infants
Black (Race)
Prematurity (less than 37 weeks gestation at birth)
Prenatal exposure to cigarette smoke or alcohol
Prone (face down)/Side sleep position
Head covered
Sleeping on an adult mattress, couch or playpen
Soft bedding
Signs of an Upper Respiratory Infection
The Back to Sleep campaign has been very successful. A recent review has found a dramatic 50% drop in the incidence of SIDS since inception of the campaign however some alarming changes.
- Incidence of "bed-sharing" has increased from 19.2% to 37.9% especially in infants less than 2 months old.
- Percentage of SIDS affected infants found in an adult bed increased from 23.4% to 45.4%.
What does this mean for us?
- Be aware of the basic principles of Back to Sleep
- Babies are babies and they sleep in cribs. Nowhere else. Not in adult beds or couches or playpens. They don't need pillows or stuffed animals to sleep. They need to be safe while they sleep.
- If you didn't know, now you know.
Keep our babies safe. Tell your friends.